So the question is which words do you stress? And which words do you not stress? You stress the content words and you do not stress the function words.
What are the function words? And what are the content words?
The following words are usually unstressed in a sentence Articles, Pronouns, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Auxiliary Verbs, ok, Auxiliary Verbs, and Linking verb. These are function or content words? Function. They just serve as function, grammatical function; they do not have a real meaning. Ok? The following words are usually stressed in a sentence: Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Numbers, Question words, Demonstratives. Ok?
These are function words or content words? Content words. Ok?
They have some sort of content and they carry meaning. Ok?
So, what do you do? You stress the content words or the function words? You stress the content words in a sentence. What happens to the function words? The vowels get reduced. Sometimes we get rid of consonants too. Ok?
That's how we get a rhythm in English.
Rhythm in English is created by stressing content words and by reducing the vowels in function words. Ok?
You can do this DA, DA di di DA di di DA, DA is a stress, OK? Repeat after me DA di di DA di di DA, DA di di DA di di DA, Bill is in front of the room, one more time, Bill is in front of the room, Ann is a way for the day, Ann is a way for the day, Nice is a town by the sea.
So, here DA di di DA di di DA, and you want to say it not like Bill is in, but Bill is in. Ok? He is good-looking. Bill is in. And what you do with the next one? front of the, get rid of the 't' and get rid of the 'of', front of the, front of the, front of the, front of the. Ok?
Bill is in front of the room, Bill is in front of the room.
The rhythm is DA di di DA di di DA, Bill is in front of the room, Ann is a way for the day, again Nice is a , again Nice is a town by the sea